Acting on a global scale
About us
Center for Innovation and Technology transfer – Global is a Bulgarian company set up with the aim of facilitating transfer of innovative knowledge and technologies on international level. CITT Global’s major objective is to contribute to the use of innovations on a global scale , as well as, to popularize best practices. The company specializes in education, consultation, management and implementation of innovative projects associated with the transfer of know-how and technologies from academic institutions and scientific-research centers to small and medium enterprises and state administration in the field of information technologies. Тechnological entrepreneurship and digitalization of economy are main topics for project activities.
Participation in international projects is significant for transforming CITT-Global into a consulting company of an international value.
29th EuroSPI Conference
EuroAsiaSPI² 2022 (31.8.-2.9.2022), hosted by Paracelsus Medical University, Salzburg, Austria, will have 10 international thematic workshop streams supported by thematic […]
The project ECQA Certified Electric Powertrain Engineer (ECEPE) is finished 1.10.2019-31.01.2022
ECQA Certified Electric Powertrain Engineer (ECEPE) is a project funded by the European Union, which aims to define skills, competencies […]